domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009


Jack was born somewhere in the past. Jack was born in a country. Jack was the name of that five pound baby with parents which were white on the outside but grey on the inside. Oh, Jack…poor Jack, if you knew, if you just knew, what was waiting for you, here, outside, in this world marked by confusion and disorder, maybe you wouldn’t want to be born. But the choice wasn’t yours.

Outside the mirror from the nursery their parents watched his chest going up and down, calmly and gently. In the world of that young Jack there wasn’t hate or anger just love. Jack has always been full of love to give, but the world wasn’t ready for him, at least not at that time. As they watched they held their hands together for a moment, right before they follow different paths and unleash loneliness on that poor boy.

Jack was the age of the reader when he met her and he was lonely. She was tall like him, not too skinny, not too beautiful, with long dark hair just like Jack’s hair. Her eyes were…beautiful but mysterious, Jack could not describe them on that moment

Jack fell in love. He was a romantic and a really wonderful person on the inside. Jack was in love. Jack is in love. Jack will be in love. She wasn’t. She is in love, she will always be in love.

Nevertheless, the world was unfair, and people so beautiful were like butterflies on a highway: they didn’t stand a chance against the fast cars that ran over them. Jack was a butterfly, and she, well she was the car that trampled him.

She didn’t realize how beautiful Jack was. She has been always too busy to notice him, like every other person in the world. Everyone was always too busy to watch Jack giving love without receiving anything. An unfair trade, everyone would agree in a normal world. But this world will not be normal until each one of us notice the beauty of the butterflies that surround us. And Jack, we should have noticed Jack but we didn’t.

Days passed. Now, in the present, they love each other and she is holding that beautiful butterfly with his bare hands. On that moment she promises that she will love him forever and ever. But Jack has been in this cruel world for a long time. Too much time.

If there is a God, Jack will be meeting him in a short future. But by now Jack knows how to describe her eyes. They were green as a leaf from an orange tree, clear as water and water they are while he is leaving this world. I wish him the best luck in his next world. By the time he arrives there Jack will have been suffering in this world the same age she will have by the time she dies. And by the time she dies she will have been suffering all her life like every one of us because we missed the chance of having the right person right next to us.

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